When I first saw Avatar I was over come by it, sure. I knew that it was a complete rip off of other movies but the 3D was amazing and it brought you in to the film and you cared about the characters. I almost even got a boner looking at that huge blue chick. Almost. I even saw it twice with a buddy who had to work the first time we went and saw it.
Then, I tried to watch it at home. Not the same thing. It was like going from riding on a roller coaster to watching other people watch a roller coaster. It just didn't have the same effect on me. But anyway, here is James "King of the World" Cameron talking about the sequel:
On squeezing more money out of the public with a re-release:
"This rerelease is a limited special edition. It’s just an experience you can have with your family at the end of the summer. The last hurrah in theaters. People can watch the original release — it still exists indefinitely on DVD and Blu-ray — or they can watch this new one. We’re going to do an even longer version that will exist only on DVD. There are people who felt that they could have spent more time in Pandora. So we’re giving them that."
On where Avatar 2 is at right now:
"We’re in the early days right now. I’ve got tons of notes. The way I work is I write hundreds of pages of notes. It’s like writing a novel, except I don’t worry too much about the narrative. It’s all about the technology, the culture, the psychology, the character development. I’ve got to create the stage for the story to play out on, and then later I’ll connect the dots and figure out how the story works. I’ve always had a story arc in mind for the sequel, but then I took a trip to South America after Avatar came out and that has altered the story line somewhat."
My favorite snippet out of this one is, "I don’t worry too much about the narrative." That is like a cook not worrying about the ingredients. That's like a blow job with out a chicks mouth. That's like, well, you get my point.
Am I excited about another Avatar movie? Not really. It's a been there and done that situation. This movie is the reason why there is all this bullshit 3D crap out there now. Clash of the Titans looked awful. Don't even get me started on The Last Airbender. If I start seeing romantic comedies in 3D i'll probably kill myself. No, wait, scratch that. If I begin watching romantic comedies at all I will kill myself. I'm a man you see. *Changes oil on car
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